Sunday, May 12, 2013

Deducated to Diane...


                            Diane's blog address:

Art for Everyone



A Blog Site


Cancer and

the Healing Power of ART

Me-- before cancer 
Copyright 2011 Art for Everyone . All rights reserved.

Art for Everyone



A Blog Site


Cancer and

the Healing Power

of Art.

My Story
Hello.  I am a terminal cancer patient. 
I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer in December 2008.  Over the course of 2009-- a year filled with chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and depression-- my identity slowly merged with the disease. 
Cancer defined my daily existence.  I saw myself as a damaged person with limited possibilities.  Then I discovered a powerful secret that expanded my life.
In October 2009 I was sitting in a busy radiation oncology waiting room when an art volunteer approached me.  She has only a few minutes to work with a patient.  Many are shy, doubtful, or too preoccupied to try.  After all, what do they know about art?  What can they do? 
This gifted teacher showed me.  With doodles, you sketch what the raw image suggests— like an art Rorsach test!  Or you bring a favorite picture to copy; she draws the basic outline, you fill in the details with pencil and watercolors.  These are just a few examples.
Svetlana was that volunteer.  She believes that art is for everyone, whatever your age or condition. 
Flash forward to March 2011. 
I started a blog about the healing power of art.  The work you see in these pages sprang from my contact with the Healing Arts program of Providence Hospital in Southfield, MI.  
I’m no Rembrandt or Shakespeare-- but look what I did!  I am not a trained artist.  I never used my decades-old degree in creative writing-- until now.  Creativity is a powerful tool. 
Through it I reconnected with the wholeness that resides within, a wholeness untouched by cancer, chemo, or radiation.  That’s the secret— the magic key that changed my life. 
If I can make that discovery, others can too and improve the quality of their lives.
I am a widow, 56 years old, and live with a caregiver in Farmington Hills, MI.  I began home hospice care in February 2011. 

-Diane Moody

Svetlana Vantsevich

Svetlana was born in Belarus in the former USSR. 
From early childhood her favorite hobby was to capture on paper the beauty of the natural world around her.
She graduated from the Polytechnic University in Minsk and attended art school for three years. 
Her artistic training led her to work with children in after-school programs.  She still keeps the pictures the children presented to her as a special reminder of those days.
For several years Svetlana also had her own half-hour children's art program on Minsk community television.
A natural teacher, Svetlana enjoys introducing students of all ages to art, whether they are in pre-school or nursing homes.
She emigrated to the USA in 2002 with her family.
She is married, has three children, and lives in Southfield, MI.

To Darling Diane with LOVE
I still remember that first day when I came to the Cancer Center at Providence Hospital in Southfield as a volunteer .  .  .  I was nervous how people would react to me and anxious to not disturb them.           
Remembering my childhood and how I loved to draw helps me to see the beauty of the world around me, and so I like to share my love of art with others.  
When I had a chance to volunteer at the hospital, I was glad and excited to do it, but how would I begin?  What would I say?  How could I explain what I am doing and why? 
I decided to start with funny pictures from simple doodles that, in my opinion, anyone can draw.  I had to take a first step  .  .  .  but to whom? 
I looked around the crowded waiting room at the oncology center and saw a beautiful woman with kind eyes and I stepped over to her.  It was Diane, and this is her blog that you are now reading. 
Diane helped me to believe in what I was doing, she encouraged me to believe in myself, and she also made a fantastic start in art.  
I enjoy every picture that Diane draws.  She is an astonishing person and I am very happy that her art will bring some light to others as she did for me!

-Svetlana Vantsevich

All of Svetlana's children have been involved in my life in one way or another.  Here's some snippets
Svetlana's daughter, Anna
& me on home oxygen
March 2011
Letter From Anna

March 28, 2011

Dear Ms. Diane,
I’m sorry this e-mail is coming so late. I just wanted to say how absolutely wonderful it was to meet you in person and to speak with you.
Your artwork is a constant thought of mine because I am in awe of how beautiful it is.
I wanted to thank you again for the love and confidence you inspired in my mom.  The extent to which you have brought love in to our family is beyond words.
I also cannot thank you enough for your support for my dreams (and for listening to me while I complain and whine about classes).
Classes are going well enough; I have taken your advice seriously and have stopped worrying about them too much.
Instead, I have tried to find volunteer opportunities for childhood autism and recently participated in an event.
This was near Eastern Michigan University. We played with many kids who have autism on a different spectrum.
I was very grateful for the experience because it showed me that I truly want to help kids learn to speak (or sign).
Today, I learned that U of M has a club where they teach sign language. I am very excited about that and would like to join next semester.
Also, I just wanted to say that I follow the site almost daily. Thank you for putting our picture there-- it is so special to me!  
Thank you very much for everything, Ms. Diane!  I love you so much!

-Anna Vantsevich

Michael, Svetlana's son, ready to hit the Santa trail Christmas 2010.

He paid me a surprise visit Christmas morning and we couldn't stop laughing.  His best present was the lovely memory he gave me. 

On the way over Michael got honked & whistled at by excited drivers. 
At my complex, an elderly lady who saw Santa claimed she'd been "naughty" and asked for Richard Gere under her tree!
Let the holiday spirit roll!

Our Purpose

This blog is a team effort.  It would not exist without the drive and enthusiasm of Svetlana or the inspiration which Sasha gave me.
Our purpose for starting this site is to show people that they are more powerful than they know-- especially when they are most challenged.
Connecting with that power can be as simple as finding that one thing that gives meaning & purpose to your life.  For me it was art, but it can anything which interests you.
I dedicate this site to Svetlana Vantsevich, my dear friend and teacher. 
She turned my life around!  If there's an upside to cancer, meeting her was it.  She continues to be a very important and loved influence in my life.
I also dedicate this site to all those who make others happy-- people like Sasha and Svetlana's daughter Anna, and to the cancer patients who can reach beyond their fear-- and to all those who touch our lives for the better and bring happiness to others. 
I also thank Providence Hospital in Southfield, MI for making this journey possible.
They are all light-bringers to a dark world.
To all the readers of this blog, I wish you well on your own journey.

Albert Camus, French author & philosopher, made this observation:  In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer.  
Art is my summer.  Go find yours.

Go Tell the Moon

This is my first book of art & poetry.
It springs from my experience with the Healing Arts program of Providence Hospital in Southfield, MI.
It represents the range of assignments my art volunteer, Svetlana Vantsevich, gave me-- usually in the waiting room of my oncology radiologist. 
Svetlana started me on doodles as a joke, just for fun.   She assured me that "everyone can draw," so that became my open door to experiment and see how far I could go.
The result was interesting and successful.  We did more doodles.  Each time it got easier and more comfortable.  Then she gave me other projects. Through it all she said I should write a poem for each picture.  So I did.  You're looking at the result.
In the course of doing this work I made the connection that I was still whole inside, no matter what happened to my body. 
That insight changed everything and is the reason for this blog. 

    • Frontispiece to my book, Go Tell the Moon.  The inset reads, Art Lifts You Up!

      This picture was done as an experiment in creating a poster.  I drew in pencil and used watercolors.
    • End piece-- I wanted to try a Marie Antoinette-type poster.  The inset reads, Make Beauty.  She's painting her lips with a brush and she's decked out in best late 18th c. style, complete with crescent moon & star beauty spots and a lavender wig.

    • Raw doodle

      When I looked at this I instantly saw a mouth-- cartoonish-- but a mouth!  What better than to draw Wilbur!

    • Wilbur Fun

        Wilbur Wonderdog! 
         providential property
        bow-wow wonderful!

      Wilbur is a therapy dog, a golden retriever, owned by Providence Hospital in Southfield.  He makes the rounds of both the hospital and the Cancer Center. 

      This mellow ambassador on four legs is the delight of the patients!
    • Raw doodle

       This image came very fast.  I could only see a mother & child.  I could see nothing else when looking at this one.

    • Mother & Child

        Oh!  How the quiet
           mother-arms hold back the night
           when they enfold you.
    • Raw doodle

      Now it was getting harder.  I didn't want to repeat myself.  But the longer I looked the more I saw a kneeling figure in a big straw hat with arm outstretched.
    • Spring

      In the tender green
      time, morning sun greets the day.
      Kneeling, she plants.
    • Raw doodle

      This was a fun dip into the anatomy of a swimmer.  I let the doodle guide my hand-- the hump of the back, the bulge of the head, the crook of the knees, down to the curl of the hands are all suggested.

    • Summer

      Do you see what I
      see in the deep blue sea? Oh
      what can she be?

      What may not be very visible is the gentle curve of a mermaid's hip and her flowing, seaweed-like hair in the bottom right corner!
    • Raw doodle

      This doodle quickly announced itself as a ghost, and what goes better with ghosts than a candle, a jack o' lantern, a bat and scarlet autumn leaves rustling in the October wind?
    • Autumn

      October grins through
      broken teeth; scarlet raiment
      is her tattered gown.
    • Raw doodle

      I had to play with this for a little while before the broad shoulders of a skater suggested themselves, and the arch of the leg preparing for a spin.

    • Winter

      Lacy flakes dangle
      like old silver charms hanging
      from winter's cold arms.
    • Raw doodle

      I saw a stylized face when I looked at this one!
    • Abstract Man

      Jazzy, cool, too hip
      to hop.  Stop.  Drop?  Not a lot!
      Stretch, yawn-- man, be gone!
    • Raw doodle

      This doodle suggested an animal with its back to the viewer, especially a feline due to the long line of the "tail."
    • Cat

      I am cat.  I turn
      my back, sedate, and wait for
      mousie-- then attack!

      The "mousie" is having the last laugh, because he's behind the cat.  Unfortunately, he got cropped out of the frame!
    • Raw doodle

      This was the hardest one of all.  It took a couple weeks of looking at it and half-getting the idea, but not clearly enough.  Then one night it all came together-- a Spanish galleon.
    • Sailing

      Brotherhood of the
      Blue, we sail the whale road to
      hear their ancient songs.
    • Raw doodle

      Some people drew snails from this image, but it reminded me of the stylized work of Scottish artist Rennie MacIntosh in the '20s. 

      So I had to run with a rose, and from there the picture grew to an exploration or surrealism with gothic elements.
    • Red Rose

      What cruel engine
      drives that throbbing heart?  What fatal beauty thorns the red?

      This was my foray into Salvador Dali's world-- a landscape with a haunted castle, ghosts liberated by moonlight, and a giant hand clasping a blood red rose.
    • Raw doodle

      One of my personal favorites.

      The open "egg" shape lent itself to another anatomy experiment.  I began to see a woman emerge from this egg, and of course, she had to be in outer space! 

      I think of her as a metaphor for the Earth-- still in the process of becoming.  Her green skin stands for the verdant earth; her blue hair, the planet's water.
    • This Earth

      This ripe beauty, curled
      within the egg of Being
      birthing becoming.
    • Emma in a Straw Hat

      This portrait of Emma Hart (later Emma, Lady Hamilton), was done in oil by George Romney, c. 1785
    • Emma

      A storied love to
       come, but now she sits, sublime
        as the painter paints.

      This was my first watercolor portrait. I've always loved this picture and the amazing woman behind it.

      This is my favorite of all I've done. She still works her magic; I never tire of looking at her!
    • The Armada portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, by George Gower, c. 1590
    • Elizabeth I

        My pearls, my fan, my
         crown, my gemmy dress of State;
          I am England’s Pride.

      Here's my second watercolor portrait--another female power-player.  The challenge to this one was all the detail!
    • The famous Gainsborough portrait of society beauty Georgiana, the Duchess of Devonshire

    • Self-Portrait

      What's her secret, smiling so?
      Is it Georgiana?

      This clever assignment was to choose the image of a famous person and turn it into a self-portrait.  I've always admired this work by Gainsborough, so I couldn't resist!

      This was my third watercolor portrait.  Svetlana did a loose outline in pencil with a detailed face.  I made a few changes, filled in the rest of the detail, then applied color. I don't quite have the hang of shading yet!
    • Sunset

      Dying light, red light
      the westering sun pierces
      old sentinel woods.

      These last two pictures are my attempt at watercolor landscapes. 

      I got intrigued by the idea of capturing the dying light of sunset through a gloomy dense woods.
    • Go Tell the Moon

      Tell the moon, sister
      stars, brother sun: if only
      the wind, I still am.
    • Emma as "Nature"

      18th c. artist George Romney's  portait of Emma Hart, later Emma, Lady Hamilton, c. 1782.

      She's about 17 yrs. old in this portrait and had recently given birth to her first daughter, hence the device of hiding her stomach behind the dog-- but Emma loved dogs anyway!

      Her protector at the time, Greville, thought he might attract some money by having portraits painted of her and offered for sale.

      This was the first of many successful sittings for Romney, who developed a lifelong devotion to her. He called her his "divine lady."
    • MuseInspiration strikes
      likes this but once; treasure this
      pearl plucked from the mud.

      This watercolor is a collaboration between because I no longer have the concentration & focus needed for such a project.

      It is an impression of Emma at her first sitting, and is not meant as an exact copy of the portrait.

      We hope you enjoy it.

Some Personal Poems

This medical journey I've been on since December 2008 has been full of  unexpected gifts.  I've met many wonderful people along the way-- Gary, my loyal caregiver, dedicated & caring nurses, hospital techs, social workers and doctors.
Through the hospital I met Svetlana, who showed me I was more than my disease.
And through Sveta I met Sasha, who showed me grace & beauty in the most challenging conditions.
Because of the late stage in which my cancer was found, the odds were stacked against a full recovery.  As of this writing, March 2011, my breathing is the most affected.
In treading this path I've come to terms with the mortality of my body, while knowing that more joy & wonder lie ahead. 
Death is about transition, not finality.
In honor of this insight, I leave the following poems.  

 With Acknowledgment to

John Pudney

WW II Poet

Don't despair
for Diane Can't-Get-Air
she's still sound
address above the ground
rather pray
for those wait and stay
when she's gone
she flies to waiting arms.


Soul is gone
Out I fled
Is not my bed
Now I go
To meadows green
Where my loved ones
All are seen
Fresh good-byes
Then a whack
 On another
Baby's back
Here I come
Down the chute
In a body
Fresh & cute
Man's mistake makes
God laugh loud
There is no life
Upon a cloud.

Sasha's World   



Alexandra Semenova-- "Sasha," as a young girl
You are looking at a miracle.
This book is our first co-production with a very special young woman in Russia. 
Her name is Alexandra Semenova ("Sasha").  She has been blind and paralyzed from the age of nine.  Sasha will be 25 years old in 2011. 
Her world is confined to the bed on which she lies.  Her primary caretaker is her widowed mother Valentina, who also cares for a disabled adult son in their home.  They live in a small village about four hours from the city of Minsk. 
These bright and lively poems are Sasha’s thoughts, her observations and aspirations.  Sasha's left hand has some movement, so her hand print appears in each picture.
When reading her poetry, it's hard to remember that she has not seen the world or been able to move through it for almost 20 years.
It is her hope to inspire others to never give up.
Svetlana created each picture from Sasha’s hand print.  Her art is cheerful, whimsical & highly imaginative. 
It was an honor and a revelation for me to re-interpret Sasha's Russian poems to English.  It was my first attempt to write a large number of poems and still convey the spirit of the original author.  Once I started, the poetry just began to flow.  It was a joy to do.
This is Sasha’s book.  We hope you like it.

  • Sasha's World-- her book

    • Book cover of Sasha's World-- can you spot Sasha's hand print? FIVE FINGERS One two, three, four, five—
      Sasha’s fingers come alive!
      Here we are to say “Hello!”
      And warmly greet you all—
      Boys and girls
      Moms and dads
      Grandmas and grandpas
      Neighbors and friends

      Now come right in
      Pull up a chair
      And have a look
      At my hand print book
      Where you’ll meet
      An octopus that cleans
      A parrot that reads
      Mushrooms on a tree
      An elephant gray
      Mice on parade
      Flowers so nice
      A roof full of ice
      A gift-giving crab
      A tiger that brags
      Crocodiles jolly
      A duck and her folly

      And many more than I can name
      So please, continue with my game

      When you are through and had enough
      Take up your pencil, brush or chalk
      And draw an outline of your hand
      Then stand back and look again

      What do you see when standing there—
      A life, a world, a chance, a prayer?
      Then dive right in and make it so!
      And show the world
      what hands can do
      To make a friend or dream come true


      My dearest Goldfish
      I beg you o please!
      Grant my three wishes—
      Give me some peace!
      I would like to see
      The sky so blue up above
      The green grass beside me
      And the color of love

      But most of all
      My dear Goldfish
      Will you help me
      With my third wish?

      I would like to see
      My dear mom
      I want to hug her
      She’s so warm and calm!

      She is my hands
      She is my sight
      She is my life
      She is my light


      Because of you  .  .  .  I live

      Hear the spit!  Hear the crackle!
      Hear the pop! of roasting logs
      In the evening, in the belly
      Of our oven
      Our round tile oven
      Of our trusty beehive oven
      That heats our tea and warms our home

      You are welcome!  Come along!
      We invite you, step inside!
      Take your wraps off
      And your hat off
      Take your seat by the oven side

      Here’s your steaming mug of tea
      Hot tea!  Herbal tea!
      Gathered from the forest floor
      Sit by the glow and sip your tea
      And gaze into the fire
      Evenings are made for this
      Let’s love one another and smile

      Murmur-murmur, rumble-tumble!
      Dipple-pop and splash!
      Near our house a river flows
      Ever racing, never tiring
      Past my window, so it goes
      How it lulls me, in the evening
      With its soothing liquid song
      Then that singer, feathered singer
      Swings my heart with airy notes
      Warble-warble, thrilling trilling
      Sings the humble nightingale

      So the water, ever rushing
      And the bird, sweetly wooing
      In the moonlight, softly quivering
      Sing together, pure and holy
      And our hearts connect as one

      This pigeon that you see before you
      Flew around the world
      She was so tired from that long flight
      She landed on my roof
      So when I heard her lonesome call
      I asked her in to rest
      And through my window in she popped
      My honored feathered guest
      She nodded once and bowed to me
      This humble little bird
      Then in a flash she disappeared
      Before I said a word

      This was no ordinary bird
      That chose to come to me
      She left behind a gift that day
      That now I share with you—
      My hand within her feathers bright
      To hold her close, to launch in flight
      Around the world again she flies
      Here in the pages where she lies
      To other lands and friends to meet—
      A friendship bird, for you and me

      Three little mice
      Three hungry mice
      Momma needs to feed
      Her three little mice

      Then they see
      A nice little cheese
      A round little cheese
      A very tasty cheese

      It will make
      A nice little treat
      A small delicious feast
      For three hungry mice

      When they are through
      The momma and her crew
      Of three full mice
      Three grateful little mice
      Pray on cue:

      Dear God please bless
      The nice little man
      The round little man
      The cheesemaker man
      Who fed us so well
      And we don’t forget
      The sweet brown bess
      The lovely brown bess
      Whose milk is the best!

      Turkey, turkey
      In the backyard
      Looking on the ground
      For something to eat

      Turkey, turkey
      Open your tail
      Show us your palette, your
      Watercolor bouquet—

      Turkey, turkey
      I’m a beautiful bird
      I give you a show
      When I strut the yard
      I don’t charge a nickel
      It’s all for free
      Now give me some dinner
      I’m not hard to please--

      Children sitting at the seaside
      Children sitting on the sand
      Children sitting at the beachside
      O what fun they can have!

      Candies lying near the children
      Candies lying in the sand
      Candies lying at the beachside
      O, they do taste grand!

      Seagulls circling the seaside
      Seagulls circling the sand
      Seagulls circling the candy
      O, if they had hands!

      Down swoop the seagulls
      One, two, three
      Down swoop the naughty feathered thieves
      O, if they had hands!

      “No!” cried the children
      One, two, three
      To the naughty feathered thieves
      “You must use your wings to fly
      Not to steal or make us cry!”
    • THE SWAN

      White swan swimming on the lake
      Peaceful lake
      Quiet lake
      White swan swimming on the lake
      She skims the blue ripples

      She is the gorgeous one
      Elegant one
      Graceful one
      She is the gorgeous one
      She skims the blue ripples

      Oh how she blesses my eyes
      Delights my eyes
      Dazzles my eyes
      Oh how she blesses my eyes
      She skims the blue ripples

      White swan swimming on the lake
      She is my daughter fair
      I see her handprint there
      White swan swimming on the lake
      She skims the blue ripples

      (written by Sasha’s mom, Valentina)

      Bellflower, bellflower
      How do you do?
      Your nodding heads bow
      As earthward you droop

      Bellflower, bellflower
      What do you say?
      Your chimes beneath my window ring
      But the wind blows it away

      Bellflower, bellflower
      Why are you here?
      Your fragrant mint leaves
      Tempt the wild deer

      The bellflower answers:
      How do I do and
      What do I say?
      Why am I here?
      I’ll tell you today:

      Love makes me well
      Love is my speech
      Love put me here
      Love’s what I teach

      Bellflower, bellflower
      Now that I know
      Your picture hangs here
      In a frame on my wall
      Your purple bells wake me
      With furious chime
      To make my soul
      Stand and shine
    • THE DUCK

      Ducky, ducky why do you run?
      You cover yourself as if threatened by a gun
      Ducky, ducky what scared you?
      Is it something fierce and new?
      Ducky, ducky look again
      See kitty jumping in the grass
      Kitty is mobile, kitty is fast
      Is she frightful, is she a threat?
      I don’t think so—she’s a pet!

      See this elephant
      She is elegant
      Created from my hand
      See her walking down the lane
      Alone without a friend
      Can you help and
      Give her your hand?
      Then the two can walk along
      No longer alone
      And sing a song

      Two crocodiles
      Two full crocodiles
      Lying in the sun
      Along the banks
      Of a big muddy river
      Basking in thoughts of their excellent dinner

      Boy and girl?  Hard to say
      I never could read a crocodile face!
      When down comes a butterfly on the nose
      Of Crocodile Bill or Crocodile Rose
      (Remember I told you it’s hard to tell
      The boys from the girls in crocodile world)

      “O Crocodilly,” the butterfly sang,
       “Haven't seen you in years!  My you look grand!
      Who is your friend?  Am I seeing double? 
      You two make a very nice couple!
      Please introduce me, I’d like to know
      How you met and where it’s going to go
      Will you’ll marry?  And what should I wear
      To your downriver wedding—I really do care!”
      (Butterflies can be that way—nosey and chatty
      with too much to say)

      Before Bill (or Rose) could open his mouth
      The butterfly flew away to the south
      But as she flew she voiced good wishes
      For tasty dinners of big fat fishes
      And happy journeys upriver or down
      And sweet night dreams without a frown
    • WINTER

      When winter wakes
      And snowflakes shake
      It is a lovely day
      To take a ride or have a slide
      In fast-falling snow
      That bites your eyes
      The tears that flow
      Aren’t sad, you know
      Even when they freeze your nose
      In the hard and bright
      Crisp and white
      Happy wintertime!

      Icicles dagger the roof lines
      Winter sun makes them cry
      Tears of joy or sorrow?

      Rooster chorus in the village
      Every house has its own
      Every morning it’s roosters crowing
      And the song of the herdsman’s horn
      He is calling for the drawing
      Of his cows from barn to fields
      They are hungry, they are happy
      Breakfast waits in meadows green
      And for us folk?
      We take fresh cups
      Of their warm delicious milk
      And we thank them
      cows and meadows
      For the gift of simple things

      Look at this parrot
      In his cage
      He is a thinking bird
      See his book, his spectacles
      He even talks, like you and me
      But he is not a happy bird
      Who knew when he was free
      That books and conversations
      Replace the forest canopy
      Where he could fly without restraint
      And boredom was unknown
      In that wet, wild and green world
      Of his rain forest home

      Show time!  Nightly performance!
      Everybody come and see!
      See our tiger
      See his tricks
      Smile and he will smile too!
      Clap your hands and help him
      Do his best for you.

      I am splendid, I am supple
      I am fierce and I’m a star
      My pelt is striped in black and yellow
      My tail is long, I have four paws
      Come and see me
      See my beauty
      Like a star I shine so bright
      I am always glad to see you
      In the circus tent tonight!

      Springtime is the babyhood of Nature
      Everything is for the first time
      Like my puppy who
      Plays with shadows
      From the fence
      Around our house
      Then his eyes
      Big with wonder
      At a flower flying—

      Two rabbits dance
      In the woods
      Squirrels sing
      A chatty song
      Hedgehogs clap
      Their paws in time
      As woodpeckers knock
      A busy rhyme

      On the shore
      of the great Black Sea
      A little girl sat sobbing
      She dropped her head
      into her hands
      Her salt tears fell into the sand
      On the shore
      of the great Black Sea

      Though she felt alone that day
      A small brown crab sat watching
      He didn’t have to ponder long
      How to relieve her sorrow
      He chose two shells
      From that Black Sea
      And for her tears, one pearl

      He dropped his treasures at her feet
      Then slipped back to the racing waves
      He never saw her salt tears stop
      Or the smile that lit her face

      So is it not delightful?
      It isn’t really frightful
      When you get a present
      From you don’t know who
      And it makes you change your
      Mind or mood or temper
      Into something better
      Than you had before?

      I will be your secret giftor
      And will show you this new vista
      I would rather see you smile than frown!
      Then like the crab I’ll be your
      Ambassador to free you
      To drop your nagging sorrow--
      At least until tomorrow!

      There is no cause for “Boo-hoo!”
      When life throws you some voo-doo
      It’s really rather simple
      When you plainly see
      That life is always changing
      And subtly rearranging
      Like furniture you’re changing
      From room to room
      And so the view keeps moving
      And nothing remains glooming
      Forever and forever
      As it sometimes seems
      But every now and then some
      If you need a little welcome
      Rescue from the chaos
      That likes to pounce
      Just take a look around you
      And the answers will astound you
      As they pop in view
      Then your spirit will go sailing
      Though the rocks are still remaining
      But you will be proclaiming
      “I can do this too!”

      Here’s a lady
      Eight-armed lady
      Lady of the deep blue sea
      She’s so busy and so tidy
      In her apron white and blue

      It’s my hand print that you see
      In this lady from the sea
      But she reminds me of my mom
      Who has but two hands all day long
      Not the eight she really needs
      To make our meals and scrub the house
      And wash our clothes and dishes too
      And draw the water from the well
      And stoke the fire that cooks our food
      And plant the garden in neat rows
      And pull the weeds that love to grow
      And feed the goat and the kitten
      Then stop a moment in the kitchen
      Because it is the baby’s turn
      To talk to grandma as she churns
      The butter for our daily bread
      And on her lap she lays her head
      Then off to nap time for an hour
      (For the baby, not this grandma!)
      Who still needs to sweep all clean
      And then a book to me she reads
      Because she knows I need to dream

      All of this and so much more
      She does each day, her endless chores
      That’s how women hold together
      This spinning world on its tether
      She burns as brightly as the sun
      She is the center of our home
      She gives us life and love and hope
      Does she have eight hands? 
      No, just two
      But I kiss them in gratitude
      And this poem I write for you

      On the shore of Braslaw Lake
      Some children were just sitting
      When from the water popped a head
      And it wasn’t pretty
      The children ran away to hide
      But the head just smiled
      And waved an arm--
      “Hey I’m a diver in the lake
        And I mean you no harm!”

      Note:  the "diver" in this case is Svetlana's son, Ivan.

      Is it a miracle
      This beauty in the sky
      Bending toward the earth
      Of many-banded colors?

      It doesn’t care who you are
      It doesn’t care where you live
      It doesn’t care how you dress
      It doesn’t care how you look
      The rainbow is for you

      I wish you snow in winter
      I wish you birdsong in spring
      I wish you flowers in summer
      I wish you apples in autumn
      I wish you rainbows always 

      See, I make a rainbow from my two hands
      From me, to you
      Your own
      Many-banded rainbow 

      I wish you all the best!
      I wish you peace on earth!
      I thank you all!

      Apartment life was not for me
      When we lived in the city
      That life was like a cage to one
      Who fought iron bars to feel the sun
      When we lived in the city

      Only one soul knew my dream
      That I lay always dreaming
      To leave the city far behind
      For village life and village kind--
      To hear a river run its way
       To hear a rooster crow
      To hear the cows come from the fields
      To hear the wind blow through the trees
      And smell the grass beneath me.
      Those who love me understand
      The dream I am explaining
      City life was prison life
      That left no hope remaining
      The only one who knew my dream
      Vowed to make it happen
      And so my mother left behind
      Conveniences of every kind
      To live a simple village life

      Near our house a river flows
      Every morning roosters crow
      We eat fresh eggs and cheese and butter
      We use a draw-well for our water
      Herdsmen drive their dairy cattle
      Chickens peck and turkeys wattle
      Nightingales address the stars
      And gone are city prison bars

      Spring time, show time, here you come!
      Tulips and daffodils, eager for some fun!
      Take your bow, you floral chorus
      Toss your heads and wave your stalks
      Like a rippling sea you charm us
      In this flirty March time sun

      Snow is melting all around us
      Flowers, wake up to the call
      Of a loving Mother Nature
      Feast yourself on new spring soil!
      And above us, like a nimbus
      Lemon-yellow in the sky
      Grows the spring sun, ever near us
      How I love this special time!

      Good-bye winter! You are leaving
      For the far and frozen north!
      Your time’s over, you old rover
      Go back to your icy home!
      How I’ve waited, through the long months
      Longing for you, flower-time
      Now you’re near me, how you cheer me!
      And my birthday is in March!

      I lie upon a narrow bed
      Underneath a window
      My position seldom varies
      Summer, springtime, autumn, winter
      On my back or on my side
      My view never changes
      I live in darkness year around
      That’s just the way it is

      My angel mother cares for me
      Her job isn’t easy
      She runs the house
      The farm, the yard
      And then it’s time to feed me
      But I love best the time she comes
      To talk and sit beside me
      To share the happenings of the day
      And hear her voice around me
      And later, when her time permits
      Then she comes with books to sit
      And read me many stories
      And something else she also does
      When she sits beside me
      She is my scribe who writes the words
      That now you see before you

      When it’s warm and pleasant
      And my mother can’t be present
      I let the world come to me
      Through my window screen
      The scents and sounds enfold me
      They transport me boldly
      Out into a world I cannot see
      So in the day or nighttime
      It’s always the right time to
      Revel in my village luxuries

      But when it’s cold and snowing
      And winter winds are blowing
      My window on the world
      Is firmly shut
      And oh!  It can be boring
      Just to lie there and be dozing
      Through the long and dreary days
      That lie ahead

      And so one day I had it
      And decided a new habit
      Would make my life a pleasure
      In a brand new way
      I launched myself with gladness
      At this new enchanting madness
      As I opened wide
      My mouth in song
      But I guess I must have parted
      From the melody I started
      ‘Cause my critics disapproved
      (Or “disappeared?”)
      My dog left home abruptly
      And the cat could only sneer

      Oh well, I thought, that’s just no good
      I guess I’m not a singer
      Perhaps I am a poet?
      Well, I’ll write about that later
      And I’ll compose an epic
      About what was and is forthcoming
      But I will do that later  .  .  .
      I think I hear dinner coming!

For those of you interested in my relationship with Sasha, I enclose a sample of my letters.
Our deep fellowship still astounds me. 
We have never seen each other.  We don't speak the same language.  I am old enough to be her mother.  We live on different continents and come from different cultures, but none of this seems to matter.
Every once in a while, a life-changing relationship comes to you.  For me, it was Svetlana, who in turn, brought me Sasha.
Here's a peek into our very special relationship.
Svetlana told me about Sasha and her life.  She suggested that I write her a letter.  Svetlana translated it to Russian and read it over the phone to Sasha & her mother, Valentina.  Valentina is Sasha's scribe; she composes an answer based on Sasha's dictation.  They sent their response by mail, which usually took about six weeks.  Now they have a computer and communication is much faster.
Because of our age difference, I refer to myself as "Auntie" Diane; likewise for Svetlana-- "Sveta"-- who serves as our mutual interpreter.

March 5, 2010
Dear Sasha,
Today, Friday morning, dear Svetlana came to visit me at home.  She was very excited.  She had two of your letters which arrived yesterday. 
She was so excited she said she couldn’t sleep last night and that she drove “like a crazy woman” to get here this morning so she could read your letter to me!  I want you to know that she read your letter and my life will never be the same.
How can I express the astounding beauty and love, the deep friendship and wisdom of your words?  You have a truly beautiful and powerful spirit.  I think you must be an angel.  You touch the lives of people you have never seen and give them gifts of love and encouragement. 
So I say a big THANK YOU for your letter and the beautiful hand print you enclosed with my name written in Russian.  I treasure it. 
I put my hand over it, closed my eyes, and said your name, “Sasha,” sending you my thanks and love across the sea, across the land, across time.  I hope you felt it. 
I feel a deep connection with you, though we have never met and we speak different languages. 
I sense in you a loving spirit, who, through great suffering, has gained wisdom and insight which you use to bless others.  I sense a person who is unafraid to reach out and share her pain, her hope, her life lessons.  I sense a person wise beyond her mere 24 years on earth. 
You are astounding— but words fail me.  Is it enough for you to know that your kind and loving letter brought tears to my eyes?  What more can I say from an overflowing heart?
And so it is with great happiness that I tell you that last night, before I heard your letter and your request for a picture of the sea and some seagulls, that I drew just such a picture from one of Aunt Svetlana’s doodles!  Is this a coincidence, or something deeper? 
Perhaps I can explain the meaning of “doodle” if it is unclear to you.  In English, when someone scribbles on a piece of paper we call it a “doodle.”  
Part of my art assignments is to draw a picture of what the doodle suggests.  In this way, abstract swirls and lines become animals, people, buildings, etc. 
I had looked and looked at this particular doodle for a couple of weeks.  I couldn’t quite figure out what it could be.  Finally, last night it all came together and I started to draw.  The idea was complete in my head and I started to work. 
What emerged is an old-style wooden sailing ship, three-masted, floating on a wave-tossed sea.  In the far distance to the left, a whale’s tail flukes are just visible above the waves.  To the right of the ship, in the far distance, a tiny flock of three seagulls glide across dark lavender clouds.  You can only see the outline of their wings they are so far away.  It’s sunset, and the sun is coloring the sky with pinks, reds and oranges.  I will enclose a copy of this picture for you.
In closing, I hope we can share more beauty, insights, and encouragement for both of us. 
It is more than food and drink to share such thoughts; it nourishes the spirit.  I am enfolded by your warmth and tenderness, as I enfold you in my heart. 
I am doubly blessed to meet you through a most remarkable, brave, tender and loving woman, your Aunt Svetlana. 
She is lighting my life with hope, joy, and creative fun.  She has become very important to me, and now she has brought me to you. 
I think the universe must be very kind to connect the three of us.  I wish you love and strength, dear Sasha. 
I send you and your dear mother hugs and kisses of love and gratitude.  Write to me.  Be well!                
-Auntie Diane   

April 10, 2010
Dear Sasha,
How is my friend doing today? 
I greet you, your mother, and family with love.   I wish you comfort and peace, and happiness and strength to meet the challenges of life.    
We are told that life is suffering and this is true, though I resisted and rejected that idea for many years.  But look around. 
Whose life is free from suffering, whether personal or experienced through the hardship of a family member or friend?  Who walks through this world without being touched by loss of some sort?  No one.  No one escapes. 
But it's also true that suffering can open our eyes when we understand that if it can happen to me, it can happen to others, and it is happening all around us—the neighbors next door, in my community, in my nation, and across the world. 
Then we perceive that suffering is universal.  No one escapes— not the movie star or fashion model, the rich man or the beautiful actress. 
No one suffers alone.   We are all in this together. 
But life doesn't end because of suffering.   Suffering is a launching point, not the sum total of human experience.  
This is the real breakthrough, but it’s difficult to achieve if we are mired in pain, fatigue or despair.   I’ve spent many years in despair and darkness.  But those precious moments of freedom come when we lift our head and look around. 
There is still beauty and hope and love and compassion.  I may be broken, the world may be broken, but it is still beautiful.  And if the world is still beautiful, then am not I also beautiful?  
Are we really so different from the world?  Am I not an expression of the world?  
I am beginning to think that if we can see harmony and beauty within ourselves, we will also begin to see the beauty and harmony in the world-- especially in nature. 
So the personal mirrors the world, and the world mirrors the personal-- it’s  one seamless whole.  That’s the state of mind I seek.  That’s the enlightenment I want.  
We are complex beings.  We live in a fragile body subject to breakage, illness and death.  
But we also have an invisible component—seldom in touch with!—and when those rare moments happen, we may receive flashes of insight which lift us above the ordinary, above the pain, and give us glimpses of a fuller, richer life than we have ever known.
Such an experience appears to have happened to you. 
I believe that we are magnificent, powerful spiritual beings with a physical body.   
I believe that bonds of love connect people across time and space. 
I believe that some people can maintain conscious awareness of those moments. 
Perhaps such a moment occurred and I came to you in spirit to offer you help and comfort.  I’d like to think it was me, but I don’t know!
Whoever you saw in that vision, whether angel or spirit, YOU, Sasha, are an angel to me.  This is how I think of you. 
So even though your physical world for many years has been defined by the bed you lie on, and your physical eyes no longer see, you are absolutely right when you say, “I’m alive!”  
You are more alive than most of us, who do not see the beauty around us and who do not reflect on the mysteries of life. 
From your bed, your mind and heart reach out across the miles to help others, as you help and inspire me. 
I too think there are no coincidences and that things happen for a reason, whether we can see that reason or not. 
I think a power greater than ourselves brought us together— Auntie Svetlana, me and you.  I am touched when I think of you as a little girl, drawing pictures of the sea and birds and writing your poetry. 
You have the soul of a poet!  I am moved that you remember those days and that you still write poetry. 
Don’t be shy about what you write.  It comes from your heart.  You are not in some contest where your poetry is being judged.  It is unique and beautiful.  It expresses your heart, your thoughts, your impressions. 
Keep writing. 
I am happy you have come into my life!  

April 11th, Sunday--  Auntie Svetlana called last night and translated your latest letter to me.  Oh boy!  Now you want me to learn Russian!  That’s a big task, but Auntie Svetlana is eager to begin my lessons! 
I want to address some of the things you said in that letter.  First, your interpretation of the sea picture I sent you. 
You show great sensitivity in your assessment of the elements of the picture, and it made me see it through different eyes. 
Poets and philosophers have long used the sea as a metaphor for human life, the emotions, and also for the world of the spirit. 
Life can be like the sea—smooth one minute, turbulent the next, ever-changing.  You see how nature and humanity mirror one another?  It’s there if you can see it. 
Birds are another metaphor for divine messengers or an angelic presence.  The ship can stand for human life—in this case us!—as we attempt to navigate life and its challenges. 
I have a favorite quote by the beloved 19th century American writer, Louisa May Alcott (the author of Little Women).  
It goes something like this:  “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’ve learned how to sail my little ship.”   That really says what you said about my drawing!   
The only point I divert from your assessment is the whale.  I’ve seen articles on the intelligence and gentleness of these ocean giants, so to me, the raised tail flukes are a friendly salute to those on the ship-- a greeting and a reminder to the sailors that they are not alone on the ocean
This is a comforting sign, so don’t be scared of that whale! 
I sense that you have a deep and abiding love of nature; it fills your heart with joy and peace. 
No wonder you love living in the country, even though it's more physically challenging.  It’s worth it if you can hear the birds sing and smell the fresh air and sense the life around you in the sounds of nature. 
I have your request to know more about the Japanese form of poetry called “haiku.” 
Haiku is a very old poetic form of highly condensed thought.  It's like turning a microscope on a topic and making a comment, in as few words as possible.  Haiku strips all unnecessary words away to get to the heart of a thing. 
The result can be like precious jewels or pearls—unforgettable-- but the effect is to expand your awareness to create a moment of deep insight
Auntie Svetlana will try to get you some information in Russian about haiku poetry, but you can try NOW, with what I’ve already told you. 
Well, this has become a long letter! 
Poetry is very powerful; it conveys intense emotion and promotes insight; it is a natural vehicle for philosophy (the moral and religious philosophy of ancient Iran is its poetry; the philosophy of Zen Buddhism is best captured in poetry), and you naturally gravitate toward the beauty of poetry.  It feeds something deep within us. 
How can I express my awe and gratitude for hearing the thoughts of your heart?  You are a miracle.  You are love.  You are an angel. 
So I will say good-bye for now and wish you all good things and peace and love, until we meet again through these pages and perhaps, in spirit.
Love & Hugs,
-Auntie Diane    

May 20, 2010
Dear Sasha,
Hello!  I send my love to you and your family, and hope that my letter finds you all well and happy this late spring.  As I write this, the windows are open and a gentle warm breeze is wafting through the small condominium where I live. 
My condo doesn’t have your views of gardens and greenery—I see a tree-fringed asphalt parking lot-- but it has been my haven for almost eighteen months, since I sold my former house.  It is a beautiful day outside my windows— we’ve also had plenty of rain and long, cool days— so the grass and trees have put on their best shades of green to delight the eye.
I thank you for your kind letters, both of which Auntie Sveta read to me two days ago.  I am mindful of your request for another picture, so I am looking for a color copy to send you.  I like the idea of a picture gallery in your room. 
When I stop to think of it, it’s pretty amazing that some of my art is in Russia!   Wow!   I continue to work slowly on my art and to challenge myself.  I’m not trained, so I especially admire the beauty of Auntie Sveta’s experienced hand and eye—her work is gorgeous.  I am still learning and trying to do my best at my current skill level, but she continues to inspire me. 
Two days ago Auntie Sveta and I went to the hospital to discuss using my art to promote the hospital’s Healing Arts program.  We hope to have an exhibition to encourage other cancer patients to try art.  I trust that good things will emerge from this experience. 
Dearest Sasha, I recently learned that you had a bad time when your Mom went to Minsk.  I hope you truly know in your heart that your mother is a splendid woman who would never abandon you.  It is horrible that your caregiver was untrustworthy and neglectful, but that nightmare is over and you can now appreciate that your Mom tried to do her best for you with the resources that were available.  That is all anyone can do!
Do not apologize for writing about the daily activities of your life; they make interesting reading.  When you live in the country you are in harmony with the cycles of Nature, unlike city-dwellers and we suburbanites in our artificial cocoon of convenience stores and shopping malls. 
Most of us have lost our connection to the earth and the seasons, with its cycles of planting and harvesting.  People’s yards are either too small for garden plots or it is considered “bad form” to plant anything but grass, flowers and shrubs. 
But for you it’s potato time and garden time, time to kneel in the rich earth and plant this year’s seed crop.  I don’t completely romanticize it—I know it’s hard work!  But this is a good time to feel the young spring sun warm your back as you plant, hoe and weed. 
I know you are not able to do this, so I paint word-pictures to help you “see.”  One of my pictures is about just this:  seed time.  A young woman with long red hair is kneeling in the rich earth.  She wears a simple brown shift and a large woven straw bonnet tied under her chin.  In front of her are many small holes which she has just dug.  Her hand is extended to drop a few seeds into one.  The sun is rising and stretching its yellow arms to her.  There is a soft smile on her lips.  A blue bird hovers just over her shoulder.  Behind her, tender shoots stand to attention like green soldiers in a row.  I think this is the picture I will send you.  It speaks of this time, which your family knows so well.
Yes, it has been a while since my last letter to you, but don’t worry; we’re connected in other ways, I suspect.  Letters are just physical symbols that we hold in our hands. 
I try to envision how you spend your days.  I hope you are not lonely, though I suspect that loneliness is part of human existence whether we are fit or ill.  But with loneliness comes the chance to reflect and perhaps deepen our understanding of life—otherwise, if we only rush from one pleasure to another, from one project to the next, the days may seem shorter but we feel like soulless robots. 
I think one of the “gifts” of your solitude is the emotional depth you express to me—so moving, so beautiful, so heart-felt!  You seem wise beyond your years and beyond your suffering.  That is why I think of you as an angel.  You are more than you appear to be.
I am impressed by your little niece.  When she feeds you and says that you’ll be able to walk together when she grows up, it makes me think that you and she already walk together and sing and play in that place we go to when we dream. 
That is another type of existence, where we have freedom and power denied us here.  In that other world, we are free to explore and learn, unfettered by the illness and limitations of our physical bodies.  Without that world, what would we do, what could we dream?  So don’t entirely discount what she says as a little girl.  I think there is an element of truth in it already, if we only knew. 
I hope I have answered some of your questions for now.  My life is pretty simple these days.  Depending on how much energy I have, I do some housework, light cooking, laundry, reading (I love books!), watch old movies, and draw and paint.  My medical appointments are fewer now, something for which I am very grateful! 
I do not have a car, so I use public transportation to get to my appointments.  I live with my caregiver, a wonderful man who looks after me as I look after him.  He lost his eyesight ten years ago and some but not all of it returned, so he is legally blind.  He has been very supportive and caring.  I met him five days after I received my cancer diagnosis, which was almost eighteen months ago.  I am a widow and he has been divorced for many years, so we are ideal companions.  I am lucky!
I have been blessed with even more luck to be connected with Auntie Sveta and the realm of art, and through her, to you and your family so far away.  Life is about connections! 
So I will end this letter now and bid you to remember me in your dreams, where we can meet as often as you like.  I wish you all a good day, a good week, a good month, and a good spring! 
Before you know it, it will be summer.  You must tell me how your garden fares, how you spend your time, what you think about, and what your plans are for the summer.   I send you my love and prayers.  Be well.  Be happy, dear girl!
-Auntie Diane 

 Valentina Semenova, Sasha's mom as a young girl in fancy dress
June 14, 2010

Dearest Sasha,

This is a good system—Auntie Sveta receives your e-mail and translates it to English, then e-mails me the combined Russian/English letter.  It is much faster than air mail.  The problem is that you, dear Sashenka, write letters faster than I can reply!  I am so far behind I have a backlog of about three—two from you and one from your dear mother, so I will try to catch up and not disappoint you.   
Hello!  I send you greetings and hope you and your family are well and  enjoying the beauty of this last week of spring.  I enjoy the descriptions of your life, your activities, your garden, your weather—they are a living picture for me, however humble it may seem to you, so please don't feel shy writing about such things.
I can almost feel you jumping up and down with barely contained excitement over my letters—what an honor and responsibility you lay upon me!  Regarding your e-mail of June 8th I am deeply touched by your longing for beauty and your quest to capture that elusive butterfly through the art of poetry.  That's been the quest of poets for as long as there's been poetry, so don’t despair! 
Your aim is noble.  Keep experimenting and looking to Nature for inspiration.  Your aspirations do you credit.  If the haiku form is too elusive, write in your own style, but keep writing! 
I have told Auntie Sveta that I will be glad to help translate your poetry to English.  You are a remarkable young lady who has overcome more than most people can imagine and you have emerged whole and beautiful regardless of your state of health.  Remember that when you have hours of sadness or longing—as we all do-- and remember that behind every thunderstorm the sun still shines.  We are never abandoned to darkness.  
I am glad that your dear mother brings you bouquets and describes the garden to you.  To hold these flowers in your hand and smell their fragrance brings the outer world to you in a very personal way. 
I envy your ability to hear the song of the nightingale—I have never heard one.  Years ago birdsong would wake our neighborhood at 5:30 in the morning and again around 5:30 in the afternoon.  It would drive me nuts, especially in the morning!  Choruses of birds serenaded us.  Then a few years ago our birds dropped out of the sky.  They fell dead in the street and  on people’s lawns.  Their numbers still have not recovered.  There is just a thin, thready warble of what their song used to be.  How I miss that bird racket now! 
It's interesting that you also love Nature’s sounds and enjoy listening to them on a CD player—so do I!  I have a small collection of nature recordings—sounds from a gurgling stream, a rain forest, the ocean, and a rainstorm.  These sounds are soothing and relaxing. 
During and after my four months of chemo treatment last year I had severe chronic insomnia.  I felt terrible and couldn't get to sleep.  Then I heard about acoustic technology.  I tried it.  It wasn’t perfect, but I was able to get some sleep!  Now I still use it, just over a year later, to put me in a restful state so I can sleep without a struggle.  It contains soothing sounds from nature or just musical instruments, but the CDs are beneficial for calming, inspiring, creating, or just plain sleeping!
I hope you enjoyed that fresh chanterelle mushroom soup—it sounded delicious!  What a kind act of your neighbors to gather them for you!  I have always liked mushrooms—they are one of my favorite foods.   Here in America most of our food is processed—either frozen, already prepared, or out of a can.  One of my favorite childhood memories is sharing a bowl of cream of mushroom soup with my mother.  It came out of a can, but it tasted good and I have always cherished that memory.  These simple things are a joy. 
Sasha dear, you are a poet at heart.  Your words bring happy tears to my eyes.  I think your letters to me are poems, because they have the power to lift my spirit!  This is good medicine, so I thank you. 
Thank you also for your kind words about my drawings.  Auntie Sveta said that to me months ago—that people need to see my drawings.  This still surprises me.  It never occurred to me without Sveta’s prodding, so here I am, working with people at the hospital to mount a show of some of my work.  Perhaps this will happen in the fall—we don’t know, but I will let you know if it happens.  You already have one, and soon, two of my pictures. 
This past month I experimented in making some posters and drawing my first landscapes.  It's frustrating because I know so little about technique.  I greatly admire accomplished artists like Auntie Sveta who have so much talent.  All I can do is learn and just do my best at the level I’m at.  I have to be patient!
This is a time for patience for you too.  I know you want to write, but your mom has many responsibilities, including helping your older brother with his medical needs.  Your mom is a very hard-working lady with a loving heart and caring hands.  She is a very special lady! 
You write that you are having a wet spring, and so are we!  We have had lots of rain this year, more than usual, but the grass and trees seem to love it and I am happy for them.  I think your mom is very astute to talk to that sick apple tree and hug it!  About thirty years ago it was publicized that talking to plants in a loving voice made them grow better.  People laugh about it, but it seems to be true.  I’m glad your mom took the step to try it.  Now, can she make apple pie? 
I think it's a good idea for you to get direct sunlight on your skin—you need vitamin D for your bones, teeth and immune system, but it’s also important to avoid mosquito bites.  Could you sit outside for 15 – 20 minutes at the hottest part of the day, out of the shade, then come back in?   This would build up a good supply of Vitamin D for your health—you may even feel energized by the sun! 
This has become a long letter and I don’t want to burden Auntie Sveta who will translate it, so I will sign off for now.  I thank your mom, Valentina, for her insightful letter and I will respond to it shortly. 
For now, I wish you happiness, good health, good food, laughter and smiles. Enjoy the dog, the kitty, the gentle rabbits, the now-abundant apple tree, the berry bushes, plum trees and grape vines.  You have a little Eden there. 
Sasha, I have passed your kind regards along to my caregiver Gary and he says “Hello!” to you too!  Be well.  Strive to be happy.  We are connected in spirit.

Love & Hugs,

-Auntie Di


July 1, 2010
Dearest Sasha,
Thank you for your last letter of June 26th.  Your words give me much to think about.  If I understand correctly, you appear to have an inner knowledge of when things may happen to those you love, such as the feeling that your dad would die shortly after your brother Yuri died, and the ability to talk with angels, such as when an angel told you ahead of time that your middle brother Dima was going to die soon.
This inner awareness and angelic communication is a gift.  Treasure it! 
What is death?  Why do we fear it?  If God is goodness and love, there can be no fear.  We make our own heaven or hell wherever we are, but if we ask for help & guidance, we get it.  If we decide to be happy and to move forward wherever we are, we can.  If we decide to brood on failure and unhappiness, we stay stuck. 
Life is much bigger than we imagine.  We can get a taste of this when we dream.  We lead a different life when we dream—our existence is unbounded and we see and move in different ways and interact with people we know & love, with people we don’t know, and even with people who have died—all this while we are asleep!
I think that death is a transition to life in another realm.  If this is so, than death does not exist, not as we think of it!  Death simply means more life somewhere else! 
But it’s important to live to the best of our ability and to honor our responsibilities and duties while we are here.  I need to stay in as good condition as possible to help Gary, who needs my assistance.  You need to  be a companion to your mom and to continue to inspire me and those who will read your poems.  Even from your bed of blindness and immobility you have more power than you know, for your soul is unbounded and it sings and dances!
As to sending a picture of myself, perhaps Auntie Sveta can send an attachment of a photo she took of me last December.  She needed a likeness of my face to insert into a portrait I had chosen for one of our projects. 
I have always liked the Gainsborough portrait of the dashing Duchess of Devonshire, so Auntie Sveta inserted a photo of my face and made a drawing of the body of the elegant Duchess.  It was a fun project!   I can  describe myself to you.  I am slightly above average in height for a woman.  My skin is pale and I don’t tan much.  My hair is a dark blonde/light brown with touches of red. The blonde areas are beginning to turn white.  My eyes are blue and I like to laugh!  Does this help?
I will be busy over the next few weeks with many medical appointments for Gary and myself, so don’t worry if it takes a little longer than usual to hear back from me.  For example, yesterday I was at a medical test for Gary that was supposed to take four hours, but it ended up being about six hours before we were finally able to get back home.  Gary is a little tired today and is still getting over a headache. 
I am a little tired too, so this will be a short letter.  I will say “goodbye” for now, but know that you can always see me in your dreams.
Be well!  You are beautiful and inspire me!
-Auntie Diane

March 21, 2011
Dearest Sasha & Valentina,

I wish you peace & happiness.  I know it has been difficult having Ivan in the hospital in Minsk.  I hope & pray he can get the relief he needs to live a better life.  Valentina, I stand in awe as usual at your strength-- even when you feel it may be very little!-- for the welfare and care of your dear children.  You are a wonderful woman!

I send you LOVE and all the things I want you to have:  peace of mind, security, health, happiness, harmony and a purpose for living; I send you a close and loving relationship with God and His angels; I embrace you in my arms with love and gratitude for all your kindness and concern for me, because you have treated me as one of the family, and your warmth warms me!  Thank you, my dear ones!

To Sasha, I tell you great news.  YOU are part of a web site ("blog" for "web log"), along with me & Svetlana.  It can be seen around the world.  Sasha, YOUR name appears.  YOUR poetry.  YOUR story.  And some of my letters to YOU.  Your deep beautiful soul shines through everything!  From your bed, you touch the lives of millions! 

I put the site together very quickly.  The web address is:

Svetlana may add sections in Russian, but for now the site is in English.  The one exception is your beautiful poem, which you wrote in September 2010.  I have reproduced that in both Russian and English, side by side.

Svetlana & I are very excited.  After months of trying to find a publisher for your book and the other books of poetry and art that Sveta & I have worked on, this was the best solution:  to create a web site.

So it's done.  And people are beginning to respond.  We don't know where it will lead, but I want you to know that you have touched the world!  How does that make you feel?  So keep writing poetry!  Keep beauty in your heart!  You are so wonderful I want to hug & kiss you!

This is my last letter to you. 
My time has grown very short.  I cannot tell you all that you mean to me, because words fail.  I can only send LOVE and gratitude for knowing you.  Pray for me.  If you like, I will be able to visit you much more easily-- in your dreams and visions.  I will be with you!

Love & Hugs,

-Auntie Di

(Sasha's Mom)
June 16, 2010
Dear Valentina,
Hello!  I send you love and greetings.  Thank you for your letter of June 11th.  You may share this with Sasha, but I am addressing this letter to you in case you want to keep it private. 
First of all, your daughter is truly remarkable.  Her drive toward beauty and the expression of beauty through poetry astounds me.  She is courageous and an example to inspire others.  I don’t know how much schooling Sasha has had, but she expresses herself with maturity and eloquence.  There is an expression which seems to fit Sasha rather well-- she has an “old head on young shoulders” which is another way of saying that Sasha is wise beyond her years.  
I am thankful that through the loving kindness of Svetlana I have been connected with you both.  Sasha’s letters are precious and bring happy tears to my eyes and gladness to my heart.  She is very special and very beautiful.
Second, I deeply admire you.  Your life is not easy.  A great responsibility rests on your shoulders.  The conditions of village life lack the conveniences of the city, but you honored Sasha’s need to live in a rural setting and with it, you also accepted its hardships. 
So, dear Valentina, if you are tired, you have every right to be!  But you are also brave and courageous; loyal and resourceful; and deeply loving and creative.  I have seen a picture of your house in the village and it is beautiful because you painted it and made it that way!  You have made a world of beauty for your daughter and family.  I pray for you, that your family receives all that you need to make your lives better, happier, and more secure. 
I appreciate your description of Sasha as being like a book with a huge lock and now that book is finally open.  Too often our lives are like that; we remain closed books until that special person sees beyond our limitations.  Sometimes the wait is a long one, but when it does happen, it’s magic.  That's how I feel about Sasha.  Thank you for telling me that now she has a smile on her face.  It's good to hear that! 
Third, thank you for telling me about Sasha’s medical condition.  My heart cries when I think about Sasha’s experience with the woman who couldn't see beyond her physical appearance.  It's sad that her reaction was so unkind.  I respect Sasha’s desire to not be stared at by strangers, but it's sad to live behind a curtain!   She has nothing to be ashamed of! 
We humans are delicate creatures.  We are social beings and must have contact with others.  When illness or accident alters our appearance, we suffer.  That’s why we have plastic surgery, face creams, exercises, and all manner of things which we hope will make us more attractive and appealing.   That woman lacked the insight and compassion to accept Sasha as she is.  She lost an opportunity to know Sasha at a deeper level, so she is the loser, not Sasha!  
I feel such wonder and respect for Sasha.  Her burdens are profound, yet she voices a delicate tenderness and piercing insight for one whose world is so very small and defined.  That is why it would be very good if something can be done to publish a book of Sasha’s poetry.  It would inspire others to reach beyond themselves and perhaps, look deeper into life.  I am enchanted by Svetlana’s beautiful and imaginative artwork; together with Sasha’s poems, this book could make a powerful difference in the world.  I am honored to be a part of that work.
And just so you understand, I have appearance issues too!   While Svetlana may have described me as “beautiful,” she was being very kind!  I have struggled with my appearance most of my life.  As a teenager I had cancer and the treatment then was much harsher than it is now.  My exposure to cobalt radiation damaged my internal organs, including my heart & lungs.  My hair slowly began to fall out and has never stopped.  My weight went up and up.  Then I was diagnosed with cancer again at the end of 2008.  Now I have more damage from the chemo treatment and additional radiation.
So yes, I understand how hard it can be.   It has made me shy and self-conscious.  When I met Svetlana last fall I was in the Radiation Oncology waiting room.  My hair was very sparse and my body was very large.  Still, she came over to me and we began to talk.  She opened a new world to me. 
I gradually began to see that through art I was still whole inside, no matter what I looked like on the outside.  And it’s the same for Sasha.  No matter what she looks like, she’s whole inside and her poems prove it.  She may not be able to see or move her body, but she can go “into the world” through her poems, so I hope they can be published.  That would be a triumph!      
So I wish you and your family well.  I hope your son Ivan gets the medical help he needs.  I hope you are able to relax and see the beauty around you in the changing seasons.  I hope Sasha never loses heart.  And I hope you have a bounteous summer garden so that when fall comes, you will have a good store of preserved produce to help see you through the cold & dark winter months. 
But all that is far away.  For now, the letters go much faster because of the wonders of e-mail.  Be well.  Keep hope in your heart.
With Loving Respect,

of Art.

A Poem from Sasha

I enclose the following poem Sasha wrote for me.  It came at a time when my health was beginning to fail.  
It's a very special poem I want to share with others.
Its purity and love shine through, just like Sasha.
I have reproduced the original in Russian, side by side with its English translation.
This is pure Sasha.

Родная, пришли мне фото, прошу тебя.  очу смотреть в твои глаза. Ивидеть в них теплодуши твоей,мой милый друг , ты помнишь обо мне. Ты появилась,когда моя душа, рсила помощ и . . .    
И ничего что все болит . . . 
Ивыть охота  от обид . . .
Но ты - жива! 
Я  чувствую  - дрожит  душа,
сердечко бъется и сложно,так дышать . . .
Но рядом  тв ,ты чувствуешь меня . . .
Я  здесь, с тобою, навсегда.
September 11, 2010

My dearest, please,
Send me your picture.
I would like to see into your eyes
And see in your eyes your love and your kindness.
                                                            My Dear Friend, you remember me.
You appeared in my life when I needed that most that all,
When my spirit cried for help.
It is OK if my body is in pain . . .
When I would like to howl
like a dog . . .
But you-- you're alive!
I feel-- my spirit trembling
My heart beating fast
It's hard to breathe
But you are close, you feel me,
And I am here, I am with you forever.
Please, believe in your dream.
 -Alexandra Semenova, "Sasha"

Book of Leaves, Part One

This book is the third collaboration between Svetlana & myself.  It got so big I had to break it into two parts!
The artwork in this and the next section is based on a simple concept: take an autumn leaf or maple seed pods and draw a picture. 
Child's play, right?  Well, maybe not.  
Svetlana is not the only artist for these delightful pictures-- some were also done by her children-- Michael, Anna & Ivan. 
I wrote the accompanying poetry-- and had a lot of fun!

I showed Diane some leaf pictures.  I never guessed she would write poems for some pictures that seemed so simple to me.  It turns out she has a keen eye and is able, through her poetry, to convey complex detail from simple pictures.
When I looked closer and saw the same details she saw, I was amazed. 
You can see beauty and creative ideas in anything!  In everyday life we don't pay attention to the little things that may be important.  If we did, we could see more meaning in many things. 
Diane taught me that nothing is too small or too insignificant.

-Svetlana Vantsevich

    • Bull Frog

      Bull frog!  Boy frog!
      Ha, ha, ha!
      Bug frog!  Buzz frog!
      Ooo rah-rah!
      I’m no little teeny-weeny
      Timid froggy in the pond
      I’m a handsome, big and burly
      Buck who melts the little girlies
      With my bold and lusty song!
      I’m the King of Mud Hole City
      Look around and you will see
      There’s no other green-skinned fellow
      Who can woo the ladies so
      Don’t you think I’m sitting pretty
      For a mud hole Romeo?
    • Baker Man

      Baker man, baker man
      Fast as you can
      Bake me some goodies
      But not from a can!
      Make it all fresh and whip it up right
      With plenty of eggs and lots of butter
      Add the sugar and sift the flour
      But hurry, hurry if you please
      And don’t forget some creamy cheese
      ‘Cause not all strudel needs to be cherry
      Or apple or poppy or lemon or berry
      I’ll sit in the corner while you bake
      And savor the smells the oven makes
      I’ll be good and I’ll be quiet— just
      Feed me some joy, there’ll be no riot!
    • Old Bear

      I’m an old bear
      Just an orange bear
      Made of mohair
      And loved, loved, loved
      I see the world
      Through the nursery window
      On the top floor where I live
      I don’t get out much, but I don’t mind
      When my children come home
      I shine, shine, shine!
      When they greet me
      Their breath enwreathes me
      I live again within their arms.
    •  Ballet Sketch

      Have you seen her
      As she stands before the glass?
      How she studies, like her forebears
      Those from generations past
      In those dusty
      Cold and musty
      Practice rooms with barres & mirrors
      Up on toe point
      Arms extended
      Rig cage open
      Knees are locked
      How she holds it
      Muscles aching
      As the artist quickly draws
      For his study
      Of the dancers
      This moment caught
      Forever now.
    • Tomato

      Come along, come right this way!
      Come and get me quick!
      Juicy, juicy, just you see
      I’m full and ripe
      A real red treat
      North in Florence
      They adore us
      I drive the Tuscans wild
      And those Venetians
      You can’t cheat them
      Of my round and luscious form
      But in Roma
      Bella Roma
      That’s where
      I was really born
      Down in Naples
      I’m a staple
      Morning, night and noon
      From their sauces to their salads
      They always make me room
      I improve most every dish
      No finer fruit than me exists
      With pasta, game or pig or fish
      With olive oil & basil leaf
      And buffalo mozzarell’
      In these and more you’ll see my face
      I’m quite well known
      For my good taste!
    • Cat

      Sir Cedric Bonnington Cat
      In neck ruff stiff and flat
      Went up to see the Queen one day
      In London town he planned to stay
      He was a courtier good and true
      But he forgot to wear his shoes
      Poor Cedric Bonnington Cat!
    • Hedgehog

      Mr. Terwilliger Tiggywink
      Went for a walk
      On a windy day
      An apple
      A leaf
      And a mushroom
      Blew into his coat of nails
      But this did not deter him
      “How nice it is to shop this way
      On a breezy autumn day!”
      Said Mr. Terwilliger Tiggywink.
    • Beaver

      Oh-oh, ooh, ooh!
      What am I to do?
      Where’s my tail-o
      Tried and true?
      Here I am, a jumping fool
      Trying to find and seek
      For the bit that makes a hit
      And tells them that I’m me
      I look a clown
      To jump around
      Without my tail so nifty
      But I’ll keep jumping in the air
      At least until I’m fifty!
    • Girl with Coat

      Cold days!  Snow days!  Brrr!
      Happy the coat that wraps her
      From winter’s chill teeth.
    • Wild Duck

      Wild duck, happy duck
      Gliding on the lake; sun shines
      He smiles— a good day!
    • Yellow Chick

      Me hungry!  Where’s mom?
      What am I supposed to do?
      Feed me tasty bugs!
    • Black Cat

      You sleek mystery
      On four paws--
      Fat and silky
      Smooth and purry
      Dark and inky
      What swirling thoughts
      Do you conceal
      Behind those eyes of sleepy steel?
    • Butterfly

      I travel far and wide
      On wings more thin than paper
      Delicate am I
      A whisper could destroy me
      I wear the rainbow on my back
      And like the rainbow
      But still I smile and go my way
      A beauty everlasting.
    • Bat

      Dark night, starry night
      Moon-filled night, bare tree night
      Wind whistles-- fright night!
    • Acorn

      To the uncurious mind
      What mysteries dismissed?
      What lessons still unlearned?
    • School Boy

      School boy, oh boy!
      Off to school you go!
      Lunch box, book bag—
      Ready, set, go!
    • Snow Man

      Snow man, show man
      Top hat, gloves and shoes
      This is your time—
      Twist and shout and groove!
      Show’s here, cold’s here
      Now’s the time to shine
      Make us happy
      If only for a time.
    • Frog Prince in the Swamp

      Where do princes live?
      How sad to turn aside—
      Words unspoken
      The gift unopened
      And hide behind a leaf.
    • Fashion Coat

      Ladies, ladies please pay attention
      To our latest fall collection—
      See the wide new beautiful collar
      The style and fit be sure to follow
      Accessories are, of course, a must—
      Add a pink bangle for a plus!
    • Happy Princess

      Hey, hey look at me!
      A pretty frock
      With lots of pink
      A scepter in my hand
      A five-point crown
      And not a frown
      You’ll find on my royal kisser
      But just a smile so very wide
      Some think I am a mister!
    • Girl with Flute

      Jazz flute girl
      Wood wind black pearl
      Blue note chick
      Sure is hip
      Hear that note
      How it floats
      On the air

Book of Leaves, Part Two

More of the same-- this is Part Two.
Svetlana and her children are the artists.
I wrote the poetry.

    • House Plant

      Observe the humble potted plant
      Upon its little stand
      It fits right in with most décor
      It asks for almost nothing
      A little sun, a little drink
      Perhaps some words of loving.
    • Pumpkin

      Pumpkin time, pumpkin time
      Sure is fine by me
      Let me stride
      Side by side
      Down the rows
      Of these fellows
      Plump and jolly
      Gosh by golly
      Give me miles
      Of orange-ribbed smiles.
    • Swan

      Silver swan
      Skims plaid waters—
      Green spiky rushes
      Lavender lake
      Purple ripples
      On a hot yellow day.
    • Gold Fish

      Oh you beauty—
      You little cutie
      You money-in-the-bank
      Glowing gold
      Add some orange tone—
      Just a touch—
      And lips that kiss
      Without a blush.
    • Portrait of Stella

      Stella, dear
      Look over here
      Yes, that’s right
      Now sit quite still
      As the artist
      Pays his bills
      Another portrait to be done
      Of suburban housewife, dumb
      To the notion of excess
      In her chic designer dress
      And her hair with perfect color
      Unrecognized by her own mother
      And her makeup done just right
      For this certain kind of light
      And her precious strand of pearls
      Paid for by executive hubby
      Who works all day and plays with clubby
      Country pals who have the best
      Wives whose brows are truly blest
      By the surgeon’s skillful hand
      As Stella’s eyes and nose and mouth
      And other parts further south
      Can attest with true acclaim
      I live the life that others blame
      On TV shows and fear of age
      But let them talk and let them rage
      I have the last laugh as I drive
      Behind the gates of my bee hive
      Give me the toys, the glitz and bling
      And I will never let it show
      The emptiness of all I know.
    • Tulip

      Red tulip standing
      Straight and tall in the lush grass
      What a pretty show!
    • Country House

      Hello house!
      A personal haven
      From summer city heat
      But cozy times are better shared
      Please be my guest, if you’d care.
    • Strawberry

      White ribs inside
      Juice spills
      in my mouth
    • Russian Boy

      A Russian boy of many browns—
      Cap, fur jacket, pants and shoes
      A scarf of many colors—
      Red, yellow, pink, green
      Seagulls dance above
      Sweet green grass, tall
      A Baltic fall!
    • Lady Bug

      You silly fat thing
      You’ve had quite a spring!
      And then there’s summer
      With more food to plunder
      When autumn marches in
      With its cold winds
      Then in you go
      Before the first snow
      Lie sound asleep
      Through the winter bleak
      When the snow thaws
      Then you’ll hear the call
      Of festive spring
      And all that she brings
      I’ll see you soon
      Sometime next June!
    • Penguin

      My name is Wendell Penguin
      And I live in arctic lands
      I never fly when I can walk
      It really is delightful
      To slip and slide and sail about
      And swim the frosty ocean
      Because to me this just is home
      And nothing bad to wail at
      ‘Cause I stay toasty all day long
      With my weatherproof cravat!
    • Scarab

      Don’t cringe
      Don’t turn up your nose
      When you look at me now
      I had days of glory
      Long ago
      In Egypt land
      When pharaohs bowed
      To me.
    • Rocket

      Cold War
      Space race
      Hula hoops
      Black & white TV
      Launch pad
      Rock ‘n roll
      Reach for the stars
      Blast off!
    • Tiger

      Your lush pelt
      Makes me melt
      Burning eyes
      Are so wise
      Shades of tawny golden orange
      A black striped mask
      Which adorns
      Your perfect body
      Sleekly ripe
      As you move
      With velvet tread
      Through the jungle’s silent dread.
    • Grey Owl

      My name is Archimedes
      Not Groucho as some may think
      They say I am a wise old bird
      But I say it with a wink
      If I am not receiving
      When visitors come to call
      I simply turn my back on them
      But I’m not rude at all!
      Upon my back you see a face
      That looks like it’s absorbing
      What my feathered guests have said
      While I’m discreetly dozing!
    • Caterpillar Ball

      Hurry!  Hurry!
      I must scurry
      Off this mushroom fast!
      Quickly!  Quickly!
      I am picky
      How to look my best
      For the greatest
      Season’s latest
      Caterpillar Ball—
      I’m invited!
      So excited!
      Off I now must go!
    • Elevator Mouse

      Mousie dear, mousie dear
      Why do your legs look so queer?
      Your body’s fat
      Your tail is perky
      Your nose is sharp
      Your ears are big
      To hear a lot
      Of what goes on
      In busy, busy Mousie Town
      But if your pardon, I may beg
      Whatever happened to your legs?

      Yes it’s true, I get around
      In busy, busy Mousie Town

      I get my share of rare good eating
      I’m sleek and fat and quite the catch
      For ladies who are seeking
      And then, of course, I don’t need Morse
      To learn the local gossip
      I turn my ears like searching spears
      And that takes care of chit-chat
      But when the unexpected strikes
      I am a sure survivor, ‘cause like a ‘vator
      I go “Up” when others run for cover
      I love the view, it works so well
      This trick deserves a patent
      There’s just one wrinkle to this mix
      I hesitate to name it—
      When I lift “Up” from off the ground
      I still can’t find the button “Down”
      No matter where I turn around
      In busy, busy Mousie Town.
    • Flamingo

      So insensitive!  So unkind!
      To use us as a mallet
      That wicked Queen of Rose Red Hearts
      Engaged in blackest conduct
      But if my friends were badly used
      In Wonderland so dreamy
      I wonder what dear Alice would say
      To see my name in Vegas
      Atop a large casino
      Where bettors lose their wagers
      But wait!  There’s more of this old sore
      Who would even guess it
      That my pink form would grace the lawns
      Of trailers here to Texas
      But for the worst, I save the last
      Indignity to heap on
      My feathered, pink, long-legged kind—
      That movie with the round Divine
      The eponymous Pink Flamingo--
      So if I hang my head in shame
      It’s really not surprising
      With such a run of rotten press
      Can we recover from this mess?
      Can we regain our past renown
      And not be this world’s clown?
    • Crab Reconsidered

      Crab cakes
      Crab chowder
      Crab legs
      Crab mayonnaise
      Crab ravioli
      Crab risotto
      Fried Soft shell crab
      Fried Soft shell crab sandwich
      Steamed crab--
      How nice to eat
      And not be eaten!
    • Eyebrows

      Boy with big brows
      Boy with heavy brows
      Boy with winged brows
      Boy with caterpillar brows
      Boy with unibrow--
      Still a boy!
    • Cardinal in the Snow

      White flakes falling, white
      flakes drifting, white flakes brushing
      against a red breast.

Paint Blots

This book is our fourth and newest work. 
The paint blot technique is simple.  Different watercolor or acrylic paint hues are dropped on a piece of paper.  The paper is folded in half, creating a double image when the paper is opened.  Images can be drawn around the shapes created by the paint blots, emphasizing either positive or negative space.
The effect can be delicate, dream-like and lyrical-- or dark and haunting, depending on the paint medium used. 
Svetlana and her children are the artists.
I wrote the haikus.

    • Blooming Elephants
      zoom into view; pastel twins
      raise trunks in salute.

      This is as good as we can get the picture quality at this time for these delicate pictures. 

      This technique is truly beautiful.  Its vibrant playfulness comes through!
    • Ballroom, big balloons--
      city kitty, country cat
      leap, dance, frisk & prance!
    • Cat, monkey and frog;
      like an old Chinese fable
      they uphold the world.
    • Alice-in-the-bud;
      Flower girl, nature spirit
      dispensing petals.
    • Tuxedo arctic
      lookout; back-to-back they stand;
      their fish dinner waits.
    • Crested moose aloft,
      Elephant mice below; what
      a family crest!
    • Ruff-ruff!  Bow-wow!  Yip-
      yip-yippee!  Dog joy, oh boy!
      Fetch that frisbee!
    • January snow;
      Welcome to the bunny house!
      Come inside, get warm!
    • Gladiator— slave
      despised, lauded to the skies
      in the arena.
    • Hear the cymbals, smell
      the incense, see my plumage
      through the Buddha mist.
    • Platy-, bronto-, what-
      a-saurus?  You’re a dancing
      dinosaur chorus!
    • Of what do cats dream?
      Fish, elephants, bears, dogs and kittens
      all swirl together.
    • Glass artist; lamper;
      Louis Comfort Tiffany;
      genius of light.
    • Worry, worry-- like
      birds descending, searching for
      worms to devour.
    • Post-modern kitty
      sitting pretty, hip & cool,
      his colors jewel.
    • Should I?  Could I?  Would
      I?  Will I?  Won’t I?  Can I?
      What is it I fear?
    • This sheep ate too much.
      This sheep likes apples too well.
      This sheep could be two!
    • See his Shiva-arms,
      many arms to juggle life,
      like a perplexed god.
    • This concept is new—
      secret agent duck with shades
      lurks behind the greens.
    • Oh my dears, my dears!
      Welcome all!  Let’s celebrate!
      Drop your shoes and dance!
    • Red hat, blue ears, his
      mustache droops over a cruel
      mouth; General Tsao.
    • Joyous dolphins leap
      In ancient blue seaways; they
      chase the Roman ships.
    • Kaleidoscoping
      Lemon-orange and pink sherbet--
      tie-dye, day-glow mouse!
    • Two parrot tango--
      they partner a cat who likes
      their marble feathers.

Мой мир окрылен и душа в небесах...
Как счастлива я,что живу не напрасно.
Вот звучит вдалеке, словно речка, журча...
Песнь, про друзей стихотворных,
   И поют под гитару, под звон струны.
   И слеза по щеке стекает..............
   Значит жизнь не напрасно проживается мной,
   Ведь меня окружает людская любовь
И друзья, что по жизни всегда помогают. 

Я хочу, чтоб они получали тепло от тех слов,
Что звучат не напрасно.

               Солнышко сияет
                       На моей странице,
                              Словно всем желает
                                       Со мною
                                                                    Я ВАС ЛЮБЛЮ!

***Александра ***   

*** НЕ ЖАЛОСТИ ХОЧУ  -- общения .....
Мое тело не подвластно мне, глаза --не видят.
                ВЫ ЗДЕСЬ?    АУ.... Я -- ЖДУ...





Здравствуй, утро  ясное!
Здравствуйте, облака ненаглядные!

У меня настроение прекрасное,
Значит, счастлива я!
У меня есть друзья настоящие!
И на этой планете есть люди,  
Которые улыбаются мне всегда! 

Утром, когда просыпаюсь, 

Знаю, целуют меня в носик,
А вечером, перед сном,

Мамочка целует меня в лобик,  
Желая прекрасных снов.

Вот так и проходят недели, 

Летят незаметно года...

Ведь многого нам не надо –
Немного любви и добра!

Немножечно слов хороших,

Чтоб душу свою обогреть,

Излить я хочу на бумаге - 

Ведь так я открою к Вам дверь.




               Шопен. Ноктюрн № 20 до-диез мино. Прекрасная музыка и         замечательные слова

Дорогие мои, я так рада! 
Пусть в душе не гаснет свет, 
Пусть в любви мы безоружны, 
Но счастья быть кому -то нужным - 
Важнее в нашей жизни нет!!! 
СПАСИБО ,что читаете меня.          



           СПАСИБО  ВАМ !!!


                                                                                                 8 Марта 2013



Мне так хочется общения, ну как Вас всех расшевелить.
Ну что молчите, напишите, я очень долго жду...........
Вот вчера мне написал мужчина, он стихи мои прочел.
И что Вы думаете - он плакал и не стеснялся своих слез.
Ему я очень благодарна, он меня нашел и понял .
Скорей всего,  ГОСПОДЬ его ко мне привел. Я часто обращаюсь
К БОГУ, Он - мой советчик , мой - Отец, мой - покровитель.
Хочу, чтоб люди помогали таким больным, ведь сколько нас ,
Таких несчастных , НО СЧАСТЛИВЫХ !!! Лишь объединившись,
Нам проще будет жить. Где Вы -  мамы, сестры, братья, няни.
Пишите, я писем жду от Вас, 

Пожалуйста, помогите нам общаться.

  АУ !!!!!!!!!!!!! ВЫ ГДЕ??????????????

                                                                           Март 2013


Зима пришла, метет поземка,
И ветер злой в лицо сквозит.
Не знаю, на душе потемки - как жить?

Пишу Вам стих, а строчки пляшут...
     Как в танце белых лебедей,
     И мозг кипит от мыслей ,
     Душа парит, парит над городом,
     Над лесом, парит в далекую страну.

Страну, где любят и лелеют мою мечту.

Моя мечта, как голубь белый,
Летит свободно в небеса.
Туда, где люди понимают,
    Мою радость и печаль...

    Ну что сказать, мои родные? -


                                                                                               Декабрь 2012 

Дорогие читатели, пожалуйста, если у Вас есть возможность написать Саше, пожалуйста, напишите письмо по адресу 

 валентина семенова <>

Это адрес электронной почты мамы Саши Валентины Вячеславовны.

Саша будет рада получить отклики на ее стихи, пожалуйста, поделитесь своими впечатлениями, поддержите Сашеньку в ее творчестве.Спасибо всем!

Внимание! Внимание! Внимание!

Приглашаем всех желающих принять участие в блоге Александры. Возраст участников от 1 года до 100  и выше лет!
Пожалуйста, нарисуйте рисунок или рисунки к Сашиным стихам. И не только рисунки - рассказы, стихи, фотографии поделок и все-все , что может быть интересно и чем Вы можете поделиться с другими читателями.  В конце каждого месяца будут подводиться итоги и будут призы! Присылайте фотографии Вашего творчества на мой электронный адрес
Ваши работы украсят Сашины стихи!

Для удобства читателей информация про обновления  на страничках будет печататься здесь. Спасибо Вам!

05-18-13  Мы начинаем новую тему на страничке ,,Мой Мир,, - Загадки! Присылайте нам свои загадки, пожалуйста!!!

05-25-13 Жизнь земная Стихотворный калейдоскоп 

05-18-13 Ангел  Мой мир
05-18-13 Облака Стихотворный калейдоскоп
05-17-13   Тропинка в...   Стихотворный калейдоскоп
05-14-13 Стихотворный калейдоскоп ,,Горит свеча...,,
05-08-13  Стихотворный калейдоскоп ***Размышление*** и ***Я и кошка*** 

 04-27-13 ***МЫСЛЬ В СТРОКЕ***стихотворный калейдоскоп

 04-25-13 ***   СВИСТ ЗА ОКНОМ...*** стихотворный калейдоскоп

04-20-13 Доброе утро  Стихотворный калейдоскоп

 04-12-13 МОЙ МИР   ***ПРОГУЛКА ПО ВЕСНЕ ***Мой мир

03-28-13 Музыкальная страничка

03-27-13 Японский сад.Чудо ландшафтного дизайна - Mузыкальная страничка

02-22-13 Стихотворный калейдоскоп
03-18-13 Здравствуйте - Дорогие мои!  Слайд-шоу : Моцарт - Фортепианная соната №16: II. Andante
03-16-13 С ЛЮБОВЬЮ К ВАМ - музыкальная страничка

03-15-13 Стихотворный калейдоскоп - Круговерь и Задира-ветер
03-13-13 Мой мир - Островок.
                  Стихотворный калейдоскоп - Масленица.  
03-12-13 Музыкальная страничка (и не только) Наталии Чуйко 

03-10-13 Детские рисунки из осенних листочков - Раз, два, три, четыре, пять...

03-09-13 Обновления на страничке ,,Щенок,,

03-08-13 Поздравление с праздником 8 Марта - страничка ,,Дорогие мои,, 

03-05-13 Мой мир - страничка на реконструкции, но уже есть фотографии с вечера, посвященного Александре 

03-05-13 Дорогие мои! ПИСЬМО К ВАМ, ЛЮДИ ! 

03-05-13 Стихотворный калейдоскоп  - Дары природы 

03-04-13  Новая версия ,,Посвящается маме,,
03-03-13 Детские рисунки  Раз, два, три, четыре, пять

03-01-13  Щенок Шедевры инструментальной музыки - Оркестр Поля Мориа

02-27-13 Стихотворный калейдоскоп  и Золотая Рыбка
Написала музыку и исполняет песню Наталия Чуйко

02-25-13  Стихотворный калейдоскоп и Манюня 

02-24-13 Рисунки к страничками  Манюня , Раз, два, три, четыре, пять, Краб, Попугай, В лесном болоте, Щенок, Веселая кадриль

02-23-13 Зима Георгий Свиридов "Метель" "Вальс"

02-21-13 В лесном болоте  Песенку про крокодильчиков написала музыку и исполняет  Наталия Чуйко

02-21-13 Краб  Песня Краб написала музыку и исполняет  Наталия Чуйко

02-16-13 Попугай  Александр Владимирович Варламов - Вальс "Грусть" 

02-16-13 Капель Хачатурян, вальс Маскарад

Рисунки на страницах - уточка, слон, попугай, лебедушка, голубка, золотая рыбка,  осьминожка... Это рисунки из моей любимой папки с детскими работами. Иногда случалось так, что после занятий в артстудии на столах оставались   неподписанные рисунки.  Если автор не находился, то они попадали в мою папку, к которой я отношусь бережно,  частенько открываю и пересматриваю рисунки с радостью  .  Если кто-то из детей узнает свой рисунок, пожалуйста, напишите мне - и если Вы хотите, то рисунок останется в блоге, если нет - я уберу его из блога.

02-15-13 Первенцы весны  "Весенний Вальс" Пауль Де Сенневиль
02-15-13 Тигр в цирке (рисунки)
02-14-13 Деревенская жизнь (новый вариант)
02-14-13 Тигр в цирке (новый вариант)
02-13-13  Стихотворный калейдоскоп  
02-12-13 Стихотворный калейдоскоп   
02-11-13 Мой мир
02-10-13 Лето
02-08-13  Обновления на страничках - Уточка, Лебедушка, Колокольчик, Посвящается маме, Мышки и сыр, Золотая рыбка,  Моя мечта сбылась..., Посвящается Диане, Голубка, Я лежу как тюфячок.., Осьминожка, Радуга, Крылатое создание, Деревенская жизнь, Слон, Веселая кадриль, Тигр в цирке,

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